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Q: How do I register?

A: Thanks for choosing the RoarFlash App, just sign up with your mobile number and follow instructions.

Q: I don’t see any RoarFlash offers in my area?

A: It could be possible that we have not reached your area yet. Please suggest your favorite restaurants and we will contact them, or you can tell them about the RoarFlash App.

Q:I placed a RoarFlash order. How do I know when it is ready?

A: You will get notified when your order is ready. It may take 10-20 minutes. You may contact the restaurant by calling from the RoarFlash App to ask about your order.

Q: How do I pay for RoarFlash offers?

A: You pay pickup at the restaurant. We do not collect any money from orders.

Q: Do I need a credit card to sign up?

A: No you do not need a credit card to sign up.

Q: Can I get RoarFlash offers delivered to my home?

A: You can ask the restaurants IF they have already linked their delivery services with us. If they have not yet linked their delivery services with us, you may suggest it to them.

Q: The map seems to download slowly.

A: Make sure your location service is on

Q: I only see blue on the map screen?

A: It may take a second or two download it. You can resize the map dragging with your fingers.

Q: What is the discount code?

A: The restaurant will provide the discount code.

Q: How do I order?

A: Choose the RoarFlash offer, tap it, view details and add it to the cart.

Q: Can I order more than one offer?

A: If there is no limit by the restaurant, yes you can add more offers at the GO TO CART section.

Q: Why are you asking for my name?

A: Your name is how your order is identified. You can use any name there.

Q: How do I remember what I just ordered?

A: Your order history is listed in MY ORDERS.

Q: How do I share this app with my friends?

A: You can go to Settings and click SHARE.

Q: Why am I seeing the Italian language?

A: RoarFlash is running in Italy.

Q: Can I change my phone number?

A: Delete the app, download it again with a new phone number.

Q: What if I need more information?

A: Contact us at

Q: Is it FREE app to use?

A: Yes, we do not charge anything for users. Start saving money now

Q: Do I need a credit card to sign up?

A: No you do not need a credit card to sign up.

Q: How do I pay for RoarFlash offers?

A: You pay pickup at the restaurant. We do not collect any money from orders.


Q: Do I need a credit card to sign up?

A: No you do not.

Q: Is RoarFlash a FREE service?

A: We do not charge anything for RoarFlash Offers. You can create as many as you want to, and you charge customers at pickup. They pay directly to you. We offer restaurants a very long FREE trial, and after the trial is over there is a small monthly fee.

Q: What is the charge after the FREE trial?

A: It depends in which city or country you are located, but in general it is only around $100/month for unlimited local marketing in your area.

Q: How do I charge customers?

A: They walk into your restaurant and you charge them as you normally do.

Q: How do I know when I am ready to create RoarFlash Offers?

A: We verify that your business is real, then we may contact you by phone or email with a notification that your FREE service is up and running.

Q: Can I create RoarFlash offers prior to having been approved?

A: Yes you can. They will stay in the draft section until you are ready.

Q: How do I create a RoarFlashoffer?

A: You tap “Create” and follow instructions. Fill out all the information you think is necessary.

Q: RoarFlash discounts are 25%, 50% and 75%. Are there any other options?

A: At this time we offer only these.

Q: What is the approximate offer price?

A: That is whatever flash sale discount you chose—the price customers see.

Q: What is the discount code?

A: You may use a code to indicate which RoarFlash offer is happening.

Q: Can I choose more than one category for my restaurant.

A: Yes

Q: Can I take pictures or must I upload pictures?

A: Both work just fine.

Q: What is the duration in time?

A: The default is 2 hours, which means that from selected start time, the flash offer runs for two hours. You can adjust the duration up to 3h 59min.

Q: Limit amount?

A: You may want to limit your flash sales to a certain amount.

Q: What is RoarFlash’s area?

A: That is the visibility of your flash sale on the map.

Q: I want to share this on our social media channels?

A: You can share each RoarFlash just before you publish them. Just click “SHARE ON SOCIAL”. You can also share after you publish it. Go to ACTIVE, click 3 small dots and “Share on Social.”

Q: I clicked “Publish”, what happens now?

A: The customers in your area get a notification that there is a new RoarFlash offer available.”

Q: I need to modify the active RoarFlash, how to do it?

A: You go to ‘ACTIVE” list and click 3 small dots, you get options STOP, PAUSE, DUPLICATE and SHARE ON SOCIAL.


A: Go to Settings and click Pickup Orders, there you see all of them, who ordered, what they ordered, and which date.

Q’ What is the easy way to use the same RoarFlash again?

A: Once a RoarFlash has expired, you find it in the PREVIOUS section and you DUPLICATE it. Then you find it in DRAFT. There you can activate it very quickly with your changes.

Q: We want Uber Eats to pick up RoarFlash offers and deliver them?

A: It is very simple for us to connect any delivery service with the RoarFlash App You should ask them if they are already connected with RoarFlash and to contact us at