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Discounts up to 75% off!
Pizza is one tap away!

RoarFlash sales are time-sensitive offers.
Get notified when you favorite food is available with a deep discount in your area.

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Why RoarFlash is great
for your restaurant?

RoarFlash enables restaurants to make money during off-peak hours or when needed.

Instant Sales Boost

Effortless Flash Selling

Maximize Sales When Needed

Loyal Customer Engagement

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Oopmy delivers
RoarFlash in Rome.

Delivery Services - Join Us!

If you are a food delivery service company, you can keep your drivers busy during off-peak times and boost your revenue. RoarFlash does not collect extra fees from flash sale items, you charge all orders or deliveries. We work with restaurants and make sure everything works smoothly.

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No Fees

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It’s a win-win-win!
Restaurants earn tens of thousands, delivery guys are happy, app users love quick delivery and good deals.